Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Tale of Two Advertisements

With regards to housing, longing, capitalism and desire.  The first one, an advertisement for "Memories in Seoul," an oral history project focusing on the everyday life histories of Seoul-ites.

And the second, an advertisement for a new large-scale development in the 아현 area.  The copy points out how close the development is to the subway, to department stories, and to downtown.

우리의 서울이야기--9번째

Well, I missed this one . . .unfortunate, since the topic was "서울 속의 세계를 이야기하다".  Still, lots of highlights in the Youtube streaming video for the event.  Among them: a list of Korean films with a strong multicultural content:

"처음 만난 사람"
"로니를 찾아서"
"방가?  방가!"
"마이리들 치료"
"황금신부" (drama)

Also: a ist of expected answers in answer to this week's question, "서울이 다문화 도시라는 걸 느낀 순간 (기억)은 (          ) 이다."

(답): 명동거리, 이태원, '우리 동네 어린이집', 성북동 (대사관), 동대문, 다문화 축제, 성북동 Christmas market.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

북정마을--part 2

And I'm also interested in this project . . .Asset mapping? 


Still thinking about apps for this . . .In particular, about the struggle viz. development. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

JTBC's 우리집

Maybe this "This Old House-Korea" can give me some insights into the characteristics of a good house and a good neighborhood.

우리의 서울 이야기, #7

This time-- 문화를 이야기하다 . . .And culture--well culture is really "culture contents," all part of the branding effort.  So--cultural events, museums, galleries: that end of the Arnoldian spectrum. 

We begin the evening with a rendition from two of the resident faculty of "Seoul elegy" along with some reminiscence of college life in Myeongdong (music, movies, 다방) and Insadong (art openings, etc.).  

But the theme from the evening (courtesy of the evening's speaker, 백선혜) was really about integrating art and "culture" into the everyday life of Seoul citizens.  "마을 공동체" stuff plays heavily in these plans . . .